Interesting Day so far in my world of Dystonia. I woke up and couldn't move at all. I was trapped, which happens from time to time, but a little scary none the less. I was aware of what was going on around me. but no one else could tell. a full body charlie horse is what I would refer the pain as. My body slowly came around to where I could move except my legs. They had decided they were not going anywhere for awhile. and that pain in a twisting pain. If feels like every muscle in your legs are twisting and turning. As you can tell I was finally able to get up and around, but very slowly. usually I am not in this much pain on a Daily basis the pain seems to come and go, but it has not subsided today, and there is no reason for it. I guess a good day as any for a Dr. Appt. I imagine he won't have any answers either. My mind had become so erratic! I never used to get angry or frustrated at things, but that part of my personality had changed. I read my post fr...
an aspiring Poet, Thoughts from the Heart, Write on a number of Topics just found that I can write