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Missed, But not for Long

 In the quiet room, Where shadows clung to every wall, I held my precious Hallie toes, As her breath began to still, And in that moment, time seemed to freeze, Leaving only the echo of a heartbeat, And the unbearable weight of loss in my arms. Her spirit, so gentle and pure, took flight, Beyond the pain, beyond the tears, Into the arms of Jesus, Where my hands could no longer reach. My heart shattered, each piece Falling like silent, unspoken prayers, As heaven welcomed her home, And I felt the aching void of her absence. But even in the depths of this grief, A light remains, faint yet steady— The nine days we were blessed to have with her, A fleeting gift, but a precious one. Though those days were far too few, They were filled with love, And for that, we are forever grateful. We are thankful too, that in her brief time, She never knew the harshness of this world, That she was spared from pain, And found her rest in the arms of her Maker, A peace we cling to in our sorrow. In the dark

We are foolish; We need to be reminded our life is not ours, It Lies in His hands

 In fleeting moments, life drifts by,   Whispers of time, a silent sigh.   From Heaven’s vantage, I observe,   Are you prepared, with heart and nerve? When the call comes, swift and true,   What will you hear? What will you do?   In the stillness of the night,   Do you ponder what is right? Each heartbeat a precious gift,   A chance to mend, to heal, to lift.   What have you done with the Light I gave?   Will you stand firm, or will you cave? In your soul’s quiet quest,   Have you lived with grace, with zest?   Have you repented of your sins,   Or just found fault in others’ whims? I am the Truth, I am Jesus,   Whom thou crucified—might you be wrong?   Are you too proud to be reproved,   Or do you embrace the cutting asunder? In humility, have you embraced   The love and truth I’ve traced?   As you traverse this earthly span,   Will you hear, “Well done,” or “Where’s the plan?” Reflect, my child, on time’s embrace,   Seek the path of truth and grace.   For each moment, each breath you

Tribute to the Nelons: A Legacy Left, Until we meet again

                                                                                                                        In skies so vast where dreams take flight, Four souls embarked into the night. Jason, Amber, Kelly, and Nathan names we hold, Their stories of love and faith unfold. They lived in kindness, hearts so pure, Their actions spoke of faith’s allure. In every smile, each warm embrace, They showed us how to seek God's grace. God's hand took them away, Yet in our hearts, their love will stay. Though gone from us, they shine above, An endless testament of God's own love. Jason’s laughter, Amber’s care, Kelly’s spirit, bright and rare, Their lives were threads in Heaven's loom, Woven with joy and free of gloom. In every act of kindness and grace, Their legacy finds a sacred place. Their faith a guiding star so true, In every heart they touched anew. Though we grieve and miss them so, Their lives a testament of love’s glow. For in the lig

To Rachael: The Unseen Strength

In the quiet of the dawn, where shadows softly blend, I watch my older sister, on whom my heart must depend. Rachael, through your daily storms, where tremors fiercely play, You hold a light so steadfast, as night turns into day. The world may not be watching, nor may they understand, The battles that you face each day, the trials life has planned. Yet in your eyes, there's strength unknown, a faith so deeply sown, That this is life as God decrees, a path where you have grown. Your pain, a silent symphony, that whispers through your skin, A testament to courage, a prayer that's deep within. And those who stand beside you, the heroes unsung true, They bear the weight of storms you face, their love a faithful view. In their arms, a shelter forms, a haven from your plight, Their care, a beacon in the dark, a warmth that feels so right. Through every storm that lashes, through every twist and turn, Their love, a steady guiding light, as hearts continue to yearn. For Rachael, your u

Harvey Rutherford: A man who served his generation

  In days gone by, his hands were strong, With hammer and nails, he'd craft a song, A stalwart man, who stood so tall, For Within the church body, he gave his all. In every task, he chased his dreams, For his family, he toiled with pride, With love and strength, he did provide. His wife, his children, they all knew, The depths of love that always grew, In every board, in every stone, His heart, his soul, his love was shown. He'd lend a hand to one in need, In every deed, in every creed, A willing heart, so kind and true, For anybody, he'd see it through. But time, that thief, began its creep, Through memories, it sought to seep, The names, the faces, blurred in mist, Moments of joy, and sorrow that now he'd missed. His mind is bound in chains, yet free, His soul released by His decree, His Savior's love, a guiding light, Through darkest days, through longest night. His faith in his Savior was ever strong, A guiding light, a sacred song,