Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions, leading to abnormal postures and movements. Dystonic storms, also known as dystonic crises, are a rare, except in my family it is quite common, but severe form of dystonia that involve prolonged and intense muscle spasms throughout the body. These spasms can be extremely painful and cause significant physical and emotional distress. Waking up in the middle of the night to a dystonic storm can be an incredibly traumatizing experience. Believe me!! I will never forget the first one for me. One moment I was lying on the bed just fine, and the next I was twisting and contorting in ways I cannot explain. The sudden onset of intense muscle contractions can be extremely frightening, leaving individuals feeling helpless and out of control. The pain associated with the spasms can be excruciating, and there is no way to find relief or comfort. In addition to the physical symptoms, dys...
an aspiring Poet, Thoughts from the Heart, Write on a number of Topics just found that I can write