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Missed, But not for Long

 In the quiet room,

Where shadows clung to every wall,
I held my precious Hallie toes,
As her breath began to still,
And in that moment, time seemed to freeze,
Leaving only the echo of a heartbeat,
And the unbearable weight of loss in my arms.

Her spirit, so gentle and pure, took flight,
Beyond the pain, beyond the tears,
Into the arms of Jesus,
Where my hands could no longer reach.
My heart shattered, each piece
Falling like silent, unspoken prayers,
As heaven welcomed her home,
And I felt the aching void of her absence.

But even in the depths of this grief,
A light remains, faint yet steady—
The nine days we were blessed to have with her,
A fleeting gift, but a precious one.
Though those days were far too few,
They were filled with love,
And for that, we are forever grateful.
We are thankful too, that in her brief time,
She never knew the harshness of this world,
That she was spared from pain,
And found her rest in the arms of her Maker,
A peace we cling to in our sorrow.

In the darkness of this pain,
A quiet joy whispers to my soul,
Reminding me that this is not the end—
Hallie, my sweet Grandchild,
Though your absence is felt so deeply,
Your light still dances within me,
A beacon guiding me through the shadowed days,
Until we meet again,
In that promised land where pain will be no more,
Where tears are wiped away,
And love endures, eternal and unbroken
