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Guarding Our Hearts Against Murmuring


"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;"  

— *Philippians 2:14-15  

The church is not just a building made of bricks and mortar; it is a living, breathing body of believers united in Christ. Yet, how often do we find ourselves murmuring about the physical aspects of our place of worship? The paint is fading, the seats are uncomfortable, the temperature is never quite right. We complain about the preacher’s style, his choice of words, or even his length of sermons. We find fault with the members, scrutinizing their actions, and questioning their motives. But what do these complaints say about the state of our own hearts?

When our focus shifts from the spiritual nourishment that God offers through His Word to the superficial flaws we perceive in the church building or its people, we reveal a deeper issue within ourselves. It’s not the building or the preacher that is lacking; it is our own hunger for the Word that has diminished.

Murmuring and complaining are signs of a heart that has lost sight of what truly matters. Instead of hungering for the Bread of Life, we have allowed our spiritual appetite to be dulled by distractions. We have become critics rather than disciples, more interested in pointing out faults than in growing in grace and truth.

The Israelites, during their journey through the wilderness, often murmured against Moses and God. They complained about their circumstances, forgetting the miracles God had performed to deliver them from bondage. Their complaints were not merely about their discomfort; they were a reflection of their lack of faith and gratitude. God saw their murmuring as a sign of rebellion, and it kept them from entering the Promised Land.

Likewise, when we murmur and complain about our church, we hinder our spiritual growth and rob ourselves of the blessings God wants to pour out on us. The church is a place where we should come with an eager heart, ready to receive God’s Word, to worship in spirit and in truth, and to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. If we are constantly finding fault, we need to examine ourselves and ask: "Am I truly hungry for God’s Word? Am I coming to church to be fed spiritually, or am I distracted by the physical and the temporary?"

Let us make a conscious effort to silence the murmuring within our hearts. Instead of focusing on the imperfections of the church building or its members, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Let us come to church with a heart of gratitude, seeking to be fed by the Word of God, and looking for ways to serve and build up the body of Christ.

When we feel the urge to complain, let us turn it into a prayer for those we are tempted to criticize. Pray for the preacher, that God would continue to give him wisdom and strength. Pray for the members of the church, that they would grow in their faith and love. And pray for yourself, that God would renew your hunger for His Word and give you a heart of humility and gratitude.
