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Rejoicing in Our Risen Savior


“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
—Matthew 28:6

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
—1 Corinthians 15:57


There is a profound and unmatched joy that wells within the hearts of believers when we contemplate the empty tomb. Our God, the Creator of all, is not confined to the grave—He has risen! This truth is the bedrock of our faith, the cornerstone of our hope, and the source of our eternal joy.

“The tomb lies empty,
My God is alive, not bound,
Risen to deliver.
Sins are shattered by His grace—
I rejoice, my Savior lives.”

These are my words that try to encapsulate the profound mystery and majesty of our faith. We do not serve a lifeless idol or a distant memory; we serve a living, breathing Savior who has triumphed over death. The empty tomb is more than a historical event; it is the manifestation of God’s immeasurable power and His boundless love for us.

In Matthew 28:6, the angel’s declaration to the women at the tomb still reverberates through the ages: “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.” This divine proclamation shattered the finality of death and heralded the dawn of a new hope. The grave, once a symbol of despair and defeat, is now the emblem of our victory in Christ. The resurrection is the divine stamp of approval on all that Jesus taught and accomplished. It is the seal of our redemption, assuring us that sin’s grip has been broken and death’s sting has been overcome.

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, exclaims, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). This victory is not earned by human effort but is a divine gift bestowed upon us through the resurrection of Christ. By His grace, we are no longer shackled by the chains of sin; we are free—free to live in the light of His love, free to walk in the newness of life.

How can our hearts not swell with joy at this truth? Our God lives! He is not a relic of the past but the living God who reigns eternally. His resurrection is our assurance that every promise He made is true and that every word He spoke is faithful. We are delivered from our sins, not by our strength but by His grace. We are raised to new life, not by our merit but by His mercy.

Let us, therefore, lift our voices in unrestrained praise. Let us rejoice with every breath, knowing that our Savior lives and that He reigns victorious. In every trial, in every sorrow, let us remember that the tomb is empty, and our God is alive. He is our deliverer, our Redeemer, our risen King.


  1. The marvelous grace of our loving Lord so wonderfully detailed with these words. Because He said ,”It is finished”, before He GAVE UP THE GHOST AND commended his spirit unto the Father we know that he gave his life for us. He loved us more than our minds can comprehend in our mortality. You have well said.


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