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The Nelons, Clarks, and Kistlers: Remembering Each one, and the ones left behind


Kelly's kindness knew no bounds,
A gentle spirit, always there,
Helping where she could,
Her heart a beacon in the dark,
Guiding those in need with care.
We celebrate her life today,
The faith she lived, the love she gave.
Her legacy of kindness stays,
A testament to how we should behave.
Now in the presence of the King,
Her spirit dances free and bright,
Where she has always longed to be,
Wrapped in everlasting light.

Amber's infectious spirit glowed,
Her joy a warm embrace for all,
Making us strive for Christ-like love,
She lifted hearts and never let them fall.
Today we celebrate her radiant life,
The faith she lived, a shining guide.
Her laughter, a song that echoes on,
Inspiring us to live with hope and pride.
Now standing in the presence of the King,
Her soul finds peace in heavenly grace,
Where she has always longed to be,
Embraced by love in that sacred place.

Jason, the consummate family man,
A heart entwined with love and care,
His devotion was his guiding light,
A steadfast presence always there.
We celebrate his life of faith,
The love he lived, the legacy he leaves,
A testament to enduring bonds,
A life woven with kindness, woven in grace.
Now in the presence of the King,
His spirit finds eternal rest,

Nathan loved with open arms,
A friend to all, a joyful heart,
His laughter was a balm to souls,
A beacon bright that set him apart.
Today we celebrate his life,
The faith he lived, the love he shared.
His legacy of friendship stays,
A testament to how he deeply cared.
Now standing in the presence of the King,
His spirit finds a gentle peace,
Where he has always longed to be,
Wrapped in love that will never cease.

Autumn’s family,
Though apart, we grieve with you,
Love binds us so close.
For now, your hearts carry weight,
But hope lights the path ahead.
We mourn and embrace,
Sharing the depth of your pain,
Our love holds you near.
In each tear and every sigh,
We stand united in heart.
Until you meet again,
Their warmth is in every breath,
Guiding through the dark.
Know we love you and support,
Together, we face the storm.

In the presence of the King, they stand,

Four souls bright in a celestial band.
Kelly’s boundless kindness, a gentle tide,
Her spirit’s grace, forever our guide.
In her actions, love transcends time’s span,
A testament to a life well-planned.

Amber’s laughter, a spark in the dark,
Her joy a beacon, igniting a spark.
Her faith a compass, guiding us true,
A reminder of what it means to pursue.
Now her essence dwells in the cosmic stream,
A radiant thread in the divine dream.

Jason’s steadfast heart, a bastion of care,
In family and love, he laid himself bare.
His life, a narrative of warmth and grace,
Etched deeply in our hearts, a sacred space.
In the presence of the King, his soul finds peace,
A tranquil rest where all worries cease.

Nathan’s open heart, a boundless sea,
His friendship a gift, a cherished decree.
His laughter, a balm to the weary soul,
His legacy a mosaic, beautifully whole.
Now in serene repose, his spirit sings,
In the presence of the King, where joy springs.

We mourn not as those without hope’s light,
For we see their journey as a cosmic flight.
They counted the cost, embraced the divine,
Fought the earthly fight, and made the sacred climb.
In the joy of the Lord, they now reside,
Their lives a testament to faith’s guiding tide.

Though their earthly presence we deeply miss,
Their essence remains in the eternal bliss.
We shall join them, where time converges and bends,
In the harmony of souls, as old boundaries end.
Their legacy endures in our thoughts and dreams,
Until we are reunited, in celestial streams.


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