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Unexpected Guest Are you Prepared?


"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

Envision the doors of your heart swinging wide open, as though welcoming an unexpected Guest—our Lord Jesus Christ. This image invites profound reflection on our readiness to receive Him, and what we might reveal or wish to conceal in His presence.

In this moment of openness, Christ knocks gently, seeking entrance into the core of our being. The question arises: Are we prepared to welcome Him into every room of our hearts, or are there areas we prefer to keep hidden? As we open the door, we face the reality of what lies within us.

Our readiness to receive Him involves more than just physical preparation. It requires spiritual and emotional openness, confronting our fears, regrets, and unconfessed sins. The unexpected nature of His visit can stir feelings of anxiety and unease, challenging us to examine our inner selves with honesty.

The thought of Christ entering into the hidden spaces of our hearts can be daunting. We may have skeletons in our closets—past mistakes, unresolved conflicts, or deeply held fears—that we are reluctant to confront. These concealed aspects of our lives can make us hesitate, wishing to shield them from His light.

Yet, it is in these very moments of vulnerability that Christ’s grace shines most brightly. His invitation to dine with us is a call to embrace His love and forgiveness, even as we confront the shadows within. He does not come to condemn but to offer healing and restoration.

Revelation 3:20 speaks of Christ’s desire to fellowship with us. This fellowship is not merely about physical presence but about an intimate relationship where He can dwell in every part of our being. By opening our hearts to Him fully, we invite His transformative power into our lives, allowing His light to dispel the darkness and bring clarity to the hidden places.

When we open the  our hearts, we are not just opening a door but extending an invitation to experience His unending grace and love. In His presence, the things we feared to expose are met with compassion and forgiveness. His light reveals the path to healing, turning our moments of hesitation into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Take a moment to reflect deeply on what might be hidden within your heart. Consider the fears, regrets, or secrets you have kept buried. How might you invite Christ to touch these areas with His grace and light? Spend time in prayer, seeking His guidance and strength to open your heart fully. Reflect on the ways His presence can bring healing and renewal to your life, and trust in His promise to never forsake you, no matter what lies within.
