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A Hearts Cry

In this brief sojourn, we know heartache well,
A companion that walks in our shadowed wake,
Pain’s relentless tide, a ceaseless swell,
And in its depths, our fragile spirits quake.

We stumble through valleys where light grows dim,
Where every step feels heavier than the last,
Dreams once bright fade at sorrow’s grim whim,
And the echoes of joy become whispers of the past.

We falter beneath the burdens we bear,
Our hands tremble, our voices crack with grief,
Mourning the moments lost to despair,
Yearning for solace, however brief.

Yet in this crucible of sorrow’s embrace,
A song is born, rising from the ache,
A melody of hope, a touch of grace,
A testament to the strength we cannot forsake.

For we are pilgrims on a sacred quest,
Strangers wandering through a foreign land,
With hearts that long for eternal rest,
And eyes set on a city not made by hands.

A peculiar people, marked by Heaven’s call,
We carry joy like a hidden flame,
In the darkest night, when shadows fall,
It burns within, untouched by shame.

Though our hearts are bruised, our spirits torn,
And sorrow’s waves threaten to drown,
We sing of a dawn, of a glorious morn,
Where the streets are gold and sorrow’s unknown.

For this world is not where our story ends,
We are bound for realms beyond sight and time,
Where every tear will be wiped by His hands,
And joy will reign in the heights sublime.

So let the world hurl its storms our way,
Let the nights be long and the trials fierce,
We sing, for we know that come what may,
We journey to a kingdom where love endures.

Each step we take, though burdened with care,
Brings us closer to that radiant shore,
Where heartache fades in the light we share,
And peace is ours, forevermore.

In this life, we will stumble and fall,
We will feel the sting of pain’s sharp thorn,
But we will rise, we will stand tall,
For our hope is in the coming morn.

So we lift our voices, though weary and worn,
And sing of a home where we belong,
For we are pilgrims, not forlorn,
Journeying to a place where all is strong
