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Tribute to the Nelons: A Legacy Left, Until we meet again



In skies so vast where dreams take flight,
Four souls embarked into the night.
Jason, Amber, Kelly, and Nathan names we hold,
Their stories of love and faith unfold.

They lived in kindness, hearts so pure,
Their actions spoke of faith’s allure.
In every smile, each warm embrace,
They showed us how to seek God's grace.

God's hand took them away,
Yet in our hearts, their love will stay.
Though gone from us, they shine above,
An endless testament of God's own love.

Jason’s laughter, Amber’s care,
Kelly’s spirit, bright and rare,
Their lives were threads in Heaven's loom,
Woven with joy and free of gloom.

In every act of kindness and grace,
Their legacy finds a sacred place.
Their faith a guiding star so true,
In every heart they touched anew.

Though we grieve and miss them so,
Their lives a testament of love’s glow.
For in the light of Heaven's gaze,
They find their peace, their eternal praise.

We remember them, not with sorrow deep,
But with joy for the faith they keep.
Their journey's end, though steep and wide,
Was met with love on Heaven’s side.

So as we mourn and cherish their name,
We honor their lives and their holy flame.
Jason, Amber, Kelly, Nathan—forever we’ll see,
In their lives, the love of the Lord’s decree


  1. I absolutely love this tribute dear knowing how dear they were to your heart.


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