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Look Up and See: Helping Others Amidst Our Own Struggles

 Life can often feel overwhelming, especially when we are grappling with our own set of challenges. Whether it's managing a chronic illness, dealing with mental health issues, or navigating personal crises, our problems can become all-consuming. It's natural to focus inward when we are struggling, but sometimes, in doing so, we can forget to look up and see that others around us are facing battles of their own.

When we are in the throes of our difficulties, it's easy to believe that our problems are the center of the universe. Yet, taking a step back and looking around can offer a refreshing perspective. Everyone has their own story, their own struggles, and their own moments of despair. By acknowledging this, we can cultivate empathy and understanding, which not only benefits others but also enriches our own lives.

Helping others can be a powerful antidote to our own pain. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect that spreads positivity and hope. When we reach out to help someone else, we often find that our own burdens feel a little lighter. This is not because our problems disappear, but because helping others gives us a sense of purpose and connection.

Sometimes, people just need someone to listen. Offering a sympathetic ear can make a huge difference to someone who feels unheard. Whether it's running an errand, cooking a meal, or helping with chores, practical support can alleviate the load for someone else. Opening up about your own struggles can help others feel less alone. It creates a sense of shared experience and can be incredibly comforting. Giving your time to a cause you care about can be incredibly rewarding. It also introduces you to new people and new perspectives. Sometimes, just being there for someone is enough. Your presence can offer comfort and support in ways you might not even realize.

Living with manic depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dystonic spasms has taught me the value of empathy and community. My family and I moved to the family farm to care for my father-in-law with dementia. This experience has been a powerful reminder that everyone has their own struggles, and that helping others can be a profound way to heal ourselves.

Despite my own mental health challenges, I have found strength in being there for my family. My wife and I support each other through the tough times, and in doing so, we have discovered a deeper sense of connection and resilience. Helping my father-in-law has not only provided him with the care he needs but has also given us a sense of purpose during a difficult time.

It's easy to get caught up in our own problems, but looking up and seeing the struggles of others can be a transformative experience. By extending a helping hand, we can create a community of support and compassion. In helping others, we often find that we help ourselves in ways we never imagined. So, let's remember to look up, reach out, and make a difference whenever and wherever we can.


  1. Yes, this is the best way to deal with our problems! Our life isn’t the only one being lived. There are many out there that just need a friend or confidant-someone who cares. I have found this is the best way to deal with personal difficulties…look at others. Love you.


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