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The Nelons: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalms 116:15

Today, I find myself grappling with a profound sense of loss that words can scarcely capture. The news of Amber, Jason, Nathan and Kelly Nelon's tragic passing in a plane crash has shattered the hearts of all who knew them. For years, they were not just voices on a stage but dear friends who became like family to me. Their music, a perfect blend of faith and harmony, touched thousands and left an everlasting imprint on our souls.

I first met this family in 2016, and we instantly became friends. They were so loving and caring, welcoming me into their world with open arms. Their kindness and warmth were as genuine as their music was uplifting.

The Nelons had a unique ability to transform the world around them with their music. Amber's voice was like a gentle breeze, pure and filled with grace, that carried the hope of her every song straight to our hearts. Jason’s harmonies were the comforting embrace that brought warmth and unity to their sound. And Kelly, with her rich and powerful vocals, was the heart and soul of their performances, infusing every note with depth and sincerity.

Their songs were more than melodies; they were lifelines for many, including myself, guiding us through both the darkest nights and the brightest days. Each performance was a testament to their deep faith and unshakeable belief in the power of music to heal and inspire. To listen to the Nelons was to experience a piece of heaven on earth.

Beyond their music, Amber, Jason, and Kelly were extraordinary individuals who embodied the very spirit of compassion and kindness. They took the time to truly connect with people, offering not just their music but their hearts. Their humility and genuine love for their fans created bonds that transcended the boundaries of the stage.

As we come to terms with this loss, we must hold onto the beautiful memories and the legacy they leave behind. Let us remember the joy and comfort they brought into our lives and find solace in the harmonies that will continue to echo in our hearts. Their legacy is one of love, devotion, and the unyielding power of music.

Amber, Jason, and Kelly, you have left this world Just as our Lord and Saviour would have it
, but their spirit will forever linger in the notes of your songs and the hearts of those you touched. You will be profoundly missed but never forgotten. Rest in peace, dear friends. Your music and your love will carry on in our hearts forever.

Their song has always been, and still is, Jesus, as they have now met the One they have been singing about for so long. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalms 116:15

Please pray for the family as they navigate through these tough times.
