Living with mental illness or caring for someone who does is a journey that requires resilience, patience, and understanding. Unfortunately, even well-meaning comments can be hurtful or dismissive, especially when they stem from misconceptions. If you're seeking to support someone in this position, here are a few things you should avoid saying—and why. 1. “I understand what you’re going through.” No, you don’t. Unless you have personally experienced the same mental illness or caregiving situation, you cannot truly understand what someone else is enduring. It’s okay to empathize—to acknowledge their pain and show that you care—but claiming understanding can come across as dismissive. Instead, say something like, “I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, but I’m here to listen and support you.” 2. “Just think positive.” Mental illness is not a mindset issue; it is a medical condition. Suggesting that someone can overcome their struggles through sheer willpower minimizes the se...
an aspiring Poet, Thoughts from the Heart, Living with Mental and Dystonic Issues; and an avid Southern Gospel Music fan.