When I was Diagnosed with Dystonia it took a toll on the whole family having to try to take
care of me, and plan things around my storms, but it was really hard on my my baby girl. She was about 10 years old and she did not like to see her Daddy, as she used to call me sometimes still does, go through the pain of the dystonic storms.
We had just had our son just a few months previous, and we did not expect to have another so soon, but as I have learned what I have planned is not what God has planned! I can remember when we announced we were expecting another baby at our church and we needed prayer for a healthy baby and healthy mom, there was a collective gasp that we would have a child so soon! What they did not understand is that God knew we would need this child in the future. I was also told it was not my job personally to repopulate the earth, that I could leave that to other people as well, because at the time we were rearing my nephews as well. that would make a total of six children and I was only about 25, but where we see no way God makes one!
On June 3rd of 2000 we were blessed with a baby girl. Little did I know that in a few short years this little girl would grow up have to grow up fast and learn to take care of her dad, and as a dad I felt horrible, but it was something that she wanted to do. She has a motherly instinct and has had it as long as I can remember. God knew that my wife needed would need help.
That baby girl is turning 19 today and she has been a huge blessing in our lives she has been through many health problems, but through it all she continued to take care of me and help her mom. She still will clean the house when I am having a bad day and my wife has to take care of me, or she will take care of me during the dystonic storms. She was never scared, always asked her mother what to do in certain situations and she would do what her mom said to, and all because she Loved me! What a great and merciful savior we have! I cannot thank him enough for her. She is turning 19 today and guess what, She is staying home to take care of me just in case something might happen and I need to be taken care of. Her mom has to run some errands and she always volunteers to stay home if I am having a bad day. A very special daughter that God knew we would need to help the family and a very beautiful one as well, but I might be somewhat biased. She was even willing to take this picture with her daddy last year! God knows what we need before we need it he always has and always will. I cannot tell you what a blessing she has been! through the good times, bad times and everywhere in between she has been a huge help to her mother and me! Dystonia takes, memory, movement, strength, but a loving family it cannot take! She is my Princess and always will be we have a special bond for which I thank God everyday, yes she is 19 today, but she still is willing to take care of a dad that is sick most of the time! She will come sit and talk with me for hours when I cannot move. We will talk about most anything, she just wants to keep my mind busy!
As a side note, those of you who like card games, no one that knows us very well will play Apples-to-Apples with us because we pick each others cards every time because we both know what the other would think in a certain situation, and we do not do it on purpose.
Yes Dystonia can take many things today I am grateful I was able to get out of bed and give my daughter a kiss on the forehead and wish her a happy birthday, she truly has been a blessing in our family, and my Heavenly Father knew we would need her long before we did and he provided long before we knew the reason! so happy 19th Birthday to the most loving, beautiful, kindhearted daughter anyone could wish for! and thank you to my Heavenly Father who knew I would need her long before I ever did! The Picture above was taken by the building that used to be a store my Grandfather owned! that made this picture even more special!
Today is not my best day, but it is her day! I pray my health holds up so I can celebrate this day with her! Happy Birthday Princess!!
care of me, and plan things around my storms, but it was really hard on my my baby girl. She was about 10 years old and she did not like to see her Daddy, as she used to call me sometimes still does, go through the pain of the dystonic storms.

On June 3rd of 2000 we were blessed with a baby girl. Little did I know that in a few short years this little girl would grow up have to grow up fast and learn to take care of her dad, and as a dad I felt horrible, but it was something that she wanted to do. She has a motherly instinct and has had it as long as I can remember. God knew that my wife needed would need help.
That baby girl is turning 19 today and she has been a huge blessing in our lives she has been through many health problems, but through it all she continued to take care of me and help her mom. She still will clean the house when I am having a bad day and my wife has to take care of me, or she will take care of me during the dystonic storms. She was never scared, always asked her mother what to do in certain situations and she would do what her mom said to, and all because she Loved me! What a great and merciful savior we have! I cannot thank him enough for her. She is turning 19 today and guess what, She is staying home to take care of me just in case something might happen and I need to be taken care of. Her mom has to run some errands and she always volunteers to stay home if I am having a bad day. A very special daughter that God knew we would need to help the family and a very beautiful one as well, but I might be somewhat biased. She was even willing to take this picture with her daddy last year! God knows what we need before we need it he always has and always will. I cannot tell you what a blessing she has been! through the good times, bad times and everywhere in between she has been a huge help to her mother and me! Dystonia takes, memory, movement, strength, but a loving family it cannot take! She is my Princess and always will be we have a special bond for which I thank God everyday, yes she is 19 today, but she still is willing to take care of a dad that is sick most of the time! She will come sit and talk with me for hours when I cannot move. We will talk about most anything, she just wants to keep my mind busy!
As a side note, those of you who like card games, no one that knows us very well will play Apples-to-Apples with us because we pick each others cards every time because we both know what the other would think in a certain situation, and we do not do it on purpose.
Yes Dystonia can take many things today I am grateful I was able to get out of bed and give my daughter a kiss on the forehead and wish her a happy birthday, she truly has been a blessing in our family, and my Heavenly Father knew we would need her long before we did and he provided long before we knew the reason! so happy 19th Birthday to the most loving, beautiful, kindhearted daughter anyone could wish for! and thank you to my Heavenly Father who knew I would need her long before I ever did! The Picture above was taken by the building that used to be a store my Grandfather owned! that made this picture even more special!
Today is not my best day, but it is her day! I pray my health holds up so I can celebrate this day with her! Happy Birthday Princess!!
Beautiful story of a beautiful daughter. I am so sorry that you are also suffering dystonia, my prayers for you and all your family. I don't know God's plans but your family have been very sure to acknowledge and accept his plan. Thank you for your story. Did my husband officiate at your wedding? At 87, my memory doesn't work so well.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of her today...nineteen...where did the time go? She’s a beautiful girl, and your daughter and mine have much in common as you well know. Love you both and hope she has a great birthday...she has a terrific daddy!