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My Interview

 I  was excited to have landed an interview with a company and a Job I knew I had the qualifications for. I had been preparing for this interview for about a week, I even did research on the company, practicing some answers to common interview questions,  As I walked into the conference room, I felt confident and ready to impress the hiring managers. However, as the interview progressed, I noticed something strange happening. The faces of the interviewers began to cringe and look uncomfortable every time I mentioned My visits to a psychiatrist and My mental health issues. I have always been open about the struggles with my Mental Disorder, and was glad it was finally under control. I believe that being honest about My mental health issues would help Me build stronger relationships with his colleagues and create a more supportive work environment. However, as I watched the interviewers' reactions, I could see the judgment and stigma in their eyes, and I knew that My chances of getti

Waking up to A Dystonic Storm

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions, leading to abnormal postures and movements. Dystonic storms, also known as dystonic crises, are a rare, except in my family it is quite common, but severe form of dystonia that involve prolonged and intense muscle spasms throughout the body. These spasms can be extremely painful and cause significant physical and emotional distress.  Waking up in the middle of the night to a dystonic storm can be an incredibly traumatizing experience. Believe me!! I will never forget the first one for me. One moment I was lying on the bed just fine, and the next I was twisting and contorting in ways I cannot explain.  The sudden onset of intense muscle contractions can be extremely frightening, leaving individuals feeling helpless and out of control. The pain associated with the spasms can be excruciating, and there is no way to  find relief or comfort.  In addition to the physical symptoms, dystonic storms can al

A little Compassion and Empathy can go a long way, but our society has forgotten

  Mental illness is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding mental illness, and many individuals with mental health conditions are not receiving the care and compassion they deserve. It is essential that people understand the importance of giving compassion and patience to those with mental illness, as it can significantly impact their recovery and quality of life.  It is crucial to understand that mental illness is a legitimate medical condition that requires treatment and support. Individuals with mental illness may struggle with their symptoms, which can impact their ability to perform daily activities and interact with others. Therefore, it is essential to provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals with mental illness. It is essential to listen to their experiences and validate their feelings, as this can help them feel heard and understood.  Individuals with mental illness often face social

Mental Stigma In the Workplace

  Mental health is an important aspect of overall wellbeing, and its impact can be felt in all aspects of my  life, including the workplace. Unfortunately, mental health stigma in the workplace is a common issue that can have serious consequences for employees and organizations as a whole.   The way I see mental health stigmas in the workplace is people avoiding me or thinking that I am making things up to get attention or lack of wanting to work with me as a person because they do not know when my mental issues may rear there ugly head! It is difficult to explain to someone when I am having a bad day or why I am having a bad day because most of the time I do not know.  I am just mentally absent and as my psychiatrist says it is okay not to be okay    One of the main reasons for the Stigma of mental health is that many people around me just do not believe it exists. Only people locked up in a ward somewhere can't be productive people. the lack of respect that one gets when having a

Update #Ramblings of an Idiot

Dealing with Quite a bit at the moment still on Disability, which doesn't cover bills. I back date bills instead of ballots so we can kind of get groceries. my whole family has covid, and I am the only on that is Asymptomatic. My wife has been running a fever on and off for about 2 weeks, my Daughter who they think has Addison Disease has had it about the same length of time. Losing sense of taste and smell. Reminds me of the flu, but my wife has had the flue worse. Being Quarantined doesn't really change my life much because I do not go many places these days. My Dystonic has gotten better not as much Twisting on the outside, but still have the twisting and turning on the inside, and the mental side of it as I have expressed before is probably worse. So Much Stress at the moment doesn't help, but we will get through it, Talked to my therapist and psychiatrist and that helps along the way. any encouragement from people helps. I am thankful for my , brother Isaac and his wif

Thoughts of an Idiot

 Isn't interesting how the choices that we have made that we didn't know would effect our lives have, and decisions that others made for us effected them as well. We all look back, at least I do and wonder if a decision I made was the wrong one and f I had made another one would the outcome been different, but then I think this is the life I have been given it could have been taken from me at any time, there is not guarantee of a tomorrow. I may have a few mental and health problems, but who doesn't have a little crazy in them, and what is normal your normal is different from my normal so who can define what normal is?   I do believe normal to be the Garden of Eden, but now everyones normal is different. Dystonia and what ever other mental problems I have are not fun it is a struggle for me everyday to get out of bed knowing that I still cannot go to work like I used to, but I have to do it. no one knows except those who have it the mental toll it takes to go day after day

Weird Days

 It is turning into the Dog Days of Summer as they say here   105 I think yesterday, I can't stand the heat. I prefer temperatures in the teens and twenties and I know I am in the minority , but that is Ok because I am used to it. I think my whole life I have been in the Minority because my brain doesn't work like anyone else has seen     I had my first therapy session. It was interesting we will see in the long run if it helps or not. Some say it has helped some say it has not. The thing everyone finds most interesting about my symptoms is that when I wake up in the morning it takes me awhile to figure out where and what time period in which I exist. This can be from ten minutes one morning to an hour the next. I wake up wanting and thinking that I am going to visit my grandfather and we are going to watch baseball, That is why I Love baseball He knew it well!, there is a great amount of strategy that goes into it that if not for him I would have never learned,    but the on